Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 29

So yesterday was a wonderful day.  To be told that you can hope and wish without doing it in vain is a good day.  My favorite person picked me up from work and as we drove down the highway I told him that I was really pregnant.  He didn't get it at first.  I'm like yeah, but what if I'm REALLY pregnant.  Finally after a few times he caught on that I had gotten the confirmation.  Then we spent some time at a park just taking it all in.  It's so new and exciting.  And I love it.  The next major cross roads is Tuesday.  They will again check to see if we are progressing as expected.  I am hopeful that the numbers continue to be positive, but understand that we are not out of the woods yet and it's ultimately in God's hands.

The medicine and sleepiness is kicking in.  Fortunately the nausea has subsided and hopefully was only nerves.  I fell asleep around nine to be awake at seven this morning.  Why?  There is no reason to be up early on a Saturday- but here I sit typing.  Maybe the lack of caffeine is setting in?  Regardless I woke to my love dead asleep.  It is the first restful sleep he's had in two days.  He's usually got it together, but I can tell this has rocked him.  And that's good because it's rocked me, too!!

So this morning he decided he wanted for us to take our own test.  So I did.  I'm always nervous that I might get a negative.  Things are still pretty unstable.  So I did agree and for our viewing pleasure was a flashing PREGNANT display on the test.  He kept going back and checking and informing me that it still shows that I'm pregnant.  He is such a mess.  But I am so blessed to have a man that gets excited over this.  Some are just too shallow and selfish to accept any rival to their own comfort or attention.  So to watch him with the same excitement and same concerns- it's a relief to be honest.  I truly couldn't have it any better.

So today is a day of quiet celebration.  We have only told my mom so far because she has been keeping up with all the tests.  It's a tentative thing and she has been sworn to secrecy for now until Tuesday's visit.  We can then tell his mom and my sister.  Even then the risks are so high for this one, that we won't tell many others until we get a couple months along.  Oh, the agony of knowing so soon.  Most aren't figuring this out until this week.  We've known about this since a week and half after conception.  One of the two sided blessings of fertility treatment I suppose.  So, it's off for more celebrating!   It's a beautiful September day and we're going to get out in it!

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